For many warehouse and transport businesses, it isn’t uncommon for there to be a number of different software applications being used to manage the many necessary processes. Most likely, at minimum, there is at least one program to manage the warehouse operations (WMS), and another to operate the transport arm (TMS System).  

While there is nothing inherently ‘wrong’ with using multiple software programs to keep your operation running, it is important to note that your business will benefit in a number of powerful ways by using software that seamlessly integrates your warehouse management system and transport management system onto one platform.  

An integrated transport and warehouse software approach is particularly helpful for businesses that are planning to grow, because it will ultimately enable you to save on two of your most valuable resources: time and money. Here’s some key benefits at a glance that we’ll cover: 

  • Streamline your software – see the savings 
  • 360° view of your operation in one place 
  • Automate all of your processes – save time 
Transportation management system

Streamline your software – see the savings 

Multiple programs and systems increases the likelihood of errors, administration time required to fulfil any action and generally slows down the overall process for your team, whether they are in the warehouse or on the road.  

The impact of your processes not running optimally will ultimately be reflected in your customer satisfaction, or lack thereof. It can also affect you and your staff by creating unnecessary delays and frustrations. 

Streamlining your software with a combined transport and warehouse software solution will ultimately result in greater efficiency across your entire operation, regardless of size, and the solution we offer is flexible to scale with ease as your business grows. 

Let’s look at how else streamlining your software will benefit your business: 

  1. Single point of contact 

One system means all information across the entire business is available via a single point of contact. This approach enables simple and clear communication between departments, multiple sites, in-house and remote staff and external customers.  

Most importantly, operating from a single point of contact prevents any issues that arise being dealt with at more than one point in your supply chain, reducing confusion and saving the business a lot of time and money. A single point of contact ultimately results in clarity, efficiency and making everyone’s job easier. 

  1.  Faster response times 

As you are likely starting to see, an integrated transport and warehouse software approach is all about simplifying your logistical processes across the entire business. With simplification comes huge time saving, which results in faster response times across every point in your supply chain, up to and including the customer delivery. 

  1. Less customer administration time 

Real-time data is provided with our integrated software approach for warehouse and transport management. This means speedy and accurate decisions can be made so you can promptly update external stakeholders such as customers, suppliers and sub-contractors. The quick and accurate turn around means higher customer satisfaction. 

  1. Overall cost reduction  

Regardless of the size of the business, cost reductions are always welcome and integrating your software is certainly one way of doing so. Having multiple software packages means multiple license fees. By integrating to one software provider you will reduce your costs on this front. 

Using integrated software will also empower you with data. You’ll have access to real-time data at your fingertips that will quickly highlight areas where you could make savings across the lifecycle of your customer management and other key areas of your operation. 

Warehouse management system

360° view of your operation in one place 

Being able to see the full scope of your business will enable strategic and practical decision making. Benefits of being able to have this broad view include: 

  1. Reduced data errors 

When you are running multiple software platforms the risk of data error greatly increases and significant time is wasted in rectifying the resulting fall out. 

By having both your warehouse management system and transportation management system integrated into the same software, you will greatly reduce data entry and potential EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) integration errors. This is due to the fact that both elements of your operation will be accessing the same real-time data, regardless of who is looking at the information within your teams.  

  1. Easy access to consignment details 

With all of the information from both warehouse and transport located in one place, it is easy for any member of your business with access to be able to view full consignment information of any order, along with the warehouse order details. 

This enables staff to print delivery labels and any associated information, while also providing access to the transport details as needed, as well as enabling both sides of the business to work together without manual data entry being required. 

An optional ‘single reference’ number is also available to be applied across any warehouse order, linking it to consignment details for further streamlining and efficiency. 

  1. Ability to apply controls and checks 

With both systems ‘talking’ to each other, you will be able to put controls and checks in place which can prevent deliveries from leaving the depot that have not yet been completely dispatched from the warehouse. Alternatively, you can implement a process that clearly informs the customer that they will be receiving their order in multiple deliveries, which is also indicated across your warehouse and transport platforms. 

  1. Visibility of full item details 

Full details of the stock ordered, including product code, description and weight, along with product dimensions, can all be passed straight through to the consignment. 

This improves freight logistics, with all of the warehouse stock details being easily available to view on the consignment at the right time for the Manifest planning which results in fast and accurate shipments. 

Transport and warehouse software

Automate all of your processes – save time 

Another key benefit is the ability to automate processes across the entire business. Each process you automate will boost efficiency and can assist in eliminating what was previously labour intensive. 

Some processes you can automate include: 

  • Linking delivery consignments directly from orders placed with the warehouse 
  • Linking transport pick-up of stock orders and goods receipts as required 
  • Status updates once warehouse orders have been delivered  
  • Proof of delivery status updated within the system once received. 

There is also the option for pre-manifesting. When done well, this approach can cut your labour in half. Pre-manifesting is when you link up consignments for delivery orders as early as when the order is first saved on the system, with the view to grouping orders together once they are picked and ready for delivery. Transport capacity can be assessed earlier too. This results in faster, more efficient fulfillment and often reduced shipment costs. 

Make your transport and warehouse software work for you 

At Infocomm we respect that warehousing and logistics operations come in all shapes and sizes, which is why we have developed advanced and seamlessly integrated warehouse management system (WMS) and transport management system (TMS) software that enables automation and integration across every level of your business, while being easy to use and tailored to suit the needs of your operation. 

If you’re ready to transform your business with our user-friendly, market-leading customised software that incorporates over 30 years of expertise in warehousing and logistics, contact us to discuss how we can implement it into your business.