As technology develops, it becomes more available to all, and so does Freight Management Software Australia. 

A long time ago, the most successful companies were those who owned computers. 30 years ago, computers were an expensive luxury. During the late 1980s, they thought a Tier 1 Tool was only and the most successful tool they could have afforded. But how has this changed by the 1990s? This could fit nearly any device in any industry with a transportation management system.

Freight Management Software Australia is a marketplace that has benefitted from current progress in mobility and data sharing.


So, what do we mean by Tier 1? 

tms system logistics

This refers to the biggest players in any marketplace. Those are the market leaders and the ones who are on top of the industrial food chain. So, a Tier 1 Tool is a tool that only these market leaders, and those like them, have access to.

Nowadays, we all have smartphones. Our smartphones are more capable than the computers we used not so long ago. We can say that this technology had it’s time in the sun’ as a Tier 1 tool, but not for long. It can now be used with TMS software.

We are all witnesses that, a few years ago, only entrepreneurs and women could afford to use PDAs, Blackberries, and other similar smart devices. Today, this technology looks old-fashioned, but it prepared the scene for the concept of modern mobile functionality. It is something that has obscured the line between Tier 1 and Tier 2 tools. Maybe the image of Tiers themselves has become outmoded.

The growth of mobile functionality, available hardware, and a renewed focus on efficiency that the new technology brings, has helped companies to change their TMS ERP systems with more modern versions of themselves. This helped many companies and industries to grow thanks to the software companies that provide transportation management software in Australia, while others have become redundant in the face of such changes. 

Unfortunately, all business models are not so flexible. However, nowadays companies can record and analyse data in many ways. It is simpler and easier than before. It has helped many organisations conducting their processes in ways they could only fantasise of before. Companies that offer transportation management software in Australia is one of them.


Return of Investment – Freight Management Software Australia

The focus on integrated mobile software means companies can take advantage of new network innovations such as the ability to set up a functioning IoT (Internet of things), or transportation management solutions. Which now makes up a significant portion of a company’s ERP system and related strategies. As we said, some companies have not adapted well, or others who have capitalised on the changes have replaced them in the marketplace. 

Using the internet of things and mobility of software as part of a company’s ERP means once data is captured, it is then accessible to whoever the data controller wants to be available to. Shared CRM systems integrated, or mobile databases and communication tools allow for the ROI of these changes to be truly assessed. 

One example where these changes are incredibly pronounced is within the freight management software area in Australia. As a vast island nation with cities spread out over thousands of kilometers, they are arguable reliant on such advancements more than most. The freight and shipping industries are examples of where an ROI is being seen.

Managers and thought leaders can control efficiency in real-time. This allows a company to determine where its strengths and weaknesses are. They can find gaps in their processes and can test solutions with a holistic approach. The ROI of mobility is going to become more dominant in some industries than others, of course. However, many shipping industries and freight management software in Australia enjoy the results of a new mobility-focused ERP system.

Electronic Data Interchange

freight management software australia

EDI is something we flip when we talk about companies who use IoT across platforms and devices. However, it means much more than that. Not so long time ago, we considered EDI itself as a Tier 1 Tool. Today it is something that even small businesses can take benefit of. 

A reliance on data analysts has also been de-emphasised. Business owners can clarify their own data using innovative tools, for example TMS systems. These modern tools have reduced the role of an analyst or consultant. These types of systems are user friendly. They are pretty easy to use. The creators of the software have promoted this, which means more efficiencies for Transport and Logistics businesses.


Evolving Marketplace

The changes we are witnessing are creating many more opportunities for growth among various industries that have already taken advantage of such technology. There have been some problems, but the playing field has increased its level. Tier 1 Tools have now become routine. 

Advancements in technology like AI and 5G will probably open the gates further, making flow and efficiency an option even for the smallest start-ups. Freight Management Software Australia stands to gain plenty, as any other industry in the Supply Chain space.